Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Au Revoir Summer...et Bonjour Fabelist!

Although it is almost the end of August, and hence Summer, I'm not feeling too despondent. Mostly because I had a lovely bank holiday weekend. Spent Saturday making a completely loony Risk boardgame shaped cake (complete with plastic soldier topped extra cupcakes) with some dearly loved but also completely loony friends, and then Sunday afternoon playing Lasertag with more loonies..Dressed as a ninja...It was a birthday, this isn't the usual weekend fare. Then Monday was a slightly classier day, with an afternoon spent at the gorgeous Rococo Gardens near us with my parents. Also the end of August brings the launch of The Fabelist, an online art space and four-monthly journal which is highly exciting. And all that loony party baking brings this video to mind, from Au Revoir Simone (hence the post title) although I'm sad to say we aren't nearly as cool and gorgeous as these ladies...

1 comment:

  1. thanks for commenting as usual! :) i love au revoir simone! great taste
