Friday, 15 April 2011

Spring is like a perhaps hand (which comes carefully out of Nowhere)

Spring is like a perhaps hand, e e cummings 

I'm afraid this blog is going to be a bit higgeldy piggeldy chronology-wise for a while. I have quite a backlog of ideas to get through, as well as new things to talk about - which is my own fault for putting off starting to write in the first place, so my apologies for that. 

Spring did indeed come carefully, but rather suddenly, out of Nowhere last weekend in a lovely burst of sunshine (although it now appears to have crept back into Nowhere.)And that feeling of spring finally springing and the world being new and sunny and beautiful was what finally prompted me to start something new too with Blackberry Horse. Unfortunately I was trying to make use of the summery energy to further my vacation essay efforts, but did take the odd break to go on a bit of a hunt for the new's hoping that wasn't all the easter sunshine we're going to get!

Back to the present, and I'm steadily getting more excited about the launch party for the first floor of my all new favourite shop Olive tonight, which will most definitely require its own post, so watch this space!

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